In this page you'll find demonstrations of several XEO Viewers (which are a key component in XEO Applications). You'll be able to see Main viewers (which setup the workspace of a XEO Application), List viewers (which list instances of a given XEO Model and allow sorting, grouping and filtering of the results), Edit Viewers (which allow you to create/edit a XEO Model instance) and Lookup Viewers (which allow you to select one or more XEO Model instances)

First Demo - A Basic XEO Main Viewer
In this demo you'll see a basic Main viewer, just to understand what a XEO Application workspace looks like. After you grasp the look and feel of a XEO Application, we recommend you check the subsequent demos.
Click to open the Main Viewer Demo

Second Demo - A List Viewer
In this demo a XEO Main viewer will open and you will then be able to see a list viewer in the application workspace. The List Viewer will list instances of a "Demo" XEO Model. The "Demo" XEOModel is a specially created XEO Model which has a set of attributes of various types (for demonstration purposes) to allow you to sort, group and filter instances by a given attribute.
Click to open the List Viewer Demo

Third Demo - An Edit Viewer
The Edit Viewer Demo will allow you to create a new instance of the Demo XEOModel or edit existing instances. You will be able to see several form field components and see how you input data (and the look of the form) in a XEO Application. As explained earlier, the Demo XEO Model has attributes of several types, so that you can see the various types of components available to edit instance attributes.
Click to open the Edit Viewer Demo

Fourth Demo - A Lookup Viewer
The Lookup viewer demo demonstrates how to relate a given instance with another instance (or with a set of instances). It's one of XEO's useful capabilities by managing the database structures required to maintain the relations and providing the visual components to allow users to select the instances that will be a part of a relation. The selection can be restricted by several criteria (grouping, sorting, filtering) in order for the user to find a given instance more easily.
Click to open the Lookup Viewer Demo

XEO Web Components - The Component Set
If you would like the see the type of components that are available in XEO, you can head over to the Components Demo Page to see a list of all components (including usage examples, documentation and sample code) and interact with them to see their capabilities.Go to the Components Demo Page.
XEO Library Demo - A Sample Application
The XEO Library application is a small book management application for a Library. This demo will put you in the hands of a Librarian and will allow you to see how a web application build with XEO can do (full with source-code so that you can see how it's done). A librarian can manage book metadata (create/edit/list book instances, theirs authors and publisher. He can also manage user accounts and send messages to other librarians.
Login in the application with user/demo as credentials
Open XEO Library Application